Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Cupcake/Muffin Wrapper


If you follow me on Instagram you would have seen the yummy mini quiches I made for the kids yesterday for lunch.

What you didn’t see was the disaster that happened trying to remove them from the muffin tin. 

I greased them before I put the mixture in but the still stuck to the bottom of the muffin tray.  Not Happy Jan!!!  They were still very yummy though.

So what to do next time to stop this from happening again.  I have always wondered how you make your own wrappers out of baking paper and so off to the computer to Google “how to make wrappers with baking paper” and I found a great tutorial from Cut Out and Keep and after reading it I had a slap my forehead with the palm of my hand moment, now why didn’t I think of that so easy!

I found a glass that's bottom fit perfectly in the muffin tray.  Then with a piece of baking paper cut to measure 6” by 6” and placed it over the top of the glass.


Now to just fold the baking paper into shape and there you have it.




So doing this next time!

Jennifer xx


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